Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Episode 22 Discussion (750 - ) - Forums
Por um escritor misterioso
Last updated 26 março 2025
So, that was the "amazing" Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and muh feels 10/10 is what a lot of people would say, but I do not belong to that category. In fact, I can't see myself giving this more than a 1/10. Why? Well, there are multiple reasons why: – Hypocrisy when it comes to violence A lot of people, myself included, have already talked about this in other Shigatsu related threads, so I am not going to write too much about this, but it's worth bringing up again: it makes no sense whatsoever that a show would try to portray domestic abuse as something terrible and wrong one second just to, a few moments later, throw in some random comedy bullshit moment where one or more of the female characters beat up the protagonist – often so that he starts fucking BLEEDING and ends up in the exact same state as when his momma beat him up – in chibi style and LOLOLOL SO HILARIOUS CUTE GIRLS ARE BEATING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM XDXDXDXD! I dislike this type of comedy in any kind of show (in fact, it's one of the reasons why I rated Hachimitsu to Clover 8/10 instead of 9/10: the writing was great, the characters were multidimensional and relatable BUT the moments where Ayumi beats up Takumi/some other guy ruined my enjoyment a little bit. Which is too bad, because other than that it's a great show and I really like Ayumi!) but the fact that Shigatsu at the same time is a show that is focusing so hard on domestic abuse and its consequences (the whole first half is about Arima overcoming his childhood trauma FFS) makes it ten times worse. – Unlikable characters Now, I know a lot of people will disagree with me but I simply couldn't stand any of the main characters and a large proportion of the supporting cast. Kousei is a typical tragic no personality-kun. Seriously, he has next to zero characteristics apart from having a tragic backstory and being a punching bag for all of the misandrist bitches in this show. He does become more confident later on in the show but the way he develops is illogical. His "development" would have been good if it had actually made sense to exist in the first place but it doesn't. He gets abused by his "saving grace" Kaori and his psychotic childhood friend Tsubaki on a daily basis (I still haven't forgotten about episode 3 you shitty piece of shit anime), they're BULLYING him FFS. Why does the show fail to notice its own hypocrisy and how do they expect me to take the mom's abuse seriously when we at the same time are supposed to laugh when he receives the exact same treatment by his misandrist friends? If this anime had known how 2 logic, Kousei would have become even more introverted, traumatized and would probably have ended up killing himself, but instead he "mans up" and gets over his trauma like it was nothing (oh, and we also get this shit thrown at my face at the end of episode 12: "I knew all along. The ghost of my mother was a shadow of my own creation. An excuse for me to run away. My own weakness.". I don't even think why I need to explain why that's bullshit). Kaori she's basically the selfish violent tsundere bitch version of Nagisa from Clannad and yet the anime is trying to make her look like she's God's gift to humanity. Her personality does complete 180s all the time for no apparent reason other than her being a tsundere. She redeemed herself a little, little bit in that letter when she apologized for the abuse but, that doesn't change the fact that I had to endure her bullshit for 21 2/3 episodes. Watari what is there even to say about Watari? He's less than one-dimensional as he only takes up about half of that one dimension, because in the end he's nothing but a plot device who's there to create unnecessary drama. Bah. Moving on! Tsubaki was, without a doubt, the worst character in the whole show. Seriously, she has to be my least favorite female anime character ever. It's like the creator just took all of my least favorite anime tropes, mixed them together and created the obnoxious abusive bipolar psycho cunt tsundere whore that is Tsubaki Sawabe. "Cunt" and "whore" are not insults that I would normally use but in this case I think those words fit her personality perfectly. That unnecessary and extremely unfunny "hilarious" kick at the end really was the cherry on the top of the shit cake. There are a lot more things I'd like to say about her and the supporting cast (which inter alia consists of a piano obsessed shounen villain with stupid hair and a MC-kun complex, his loli sister with a brother complex, that relative of Arima's that seemed like an OK person at first but turned out to be a violent misandrist as well and that emotionless piano chick whose name I've completely forgotten) but I think I've said enough about the characters already so I'm just gonna move on – Unnecessary melodrama Now, I don't have anything against melodrama – there are a lot of shows and movies with melodramatic elements that I consider to be good or even amazing (Kotonoha no Niwa, Sennen Joyuu, Hachimitsu to Clover, Ookami Kokomo and, my 2nd favorite anime of all time, Nana) – but there's often a great risk that the melodrama becomes so overwhelming that it completely takes over the show, and Shigatsu is one of those shows. Overreactions, music 25/7, screaming, etc, JESUS CHRIST! There were multiple times where the melodrama was so utterly distracting that I was about to punch my fist through my computer screen. Don't tell and play some sad music, show! Yes, a lot of the shows I listed are anime with voice over narration, but they don't overuse it and and practically rely on it to tell their story like Shigatsu does. These aren't the only things that annoyed me about Shigatsu (otherwise I wouldn't have rated this show 1/10) but they were the main ones, so I am just going to list the rest: stupid dialogue ("the winter rain tastes like lemonade", who the fuck talks like that, maybe old grandmas do but fourteen-year-olds most certainly don't), pacing all over the place, out of place and completely unnecessary "funny" moments (not only the violent ones) that ruined the continuity of the series, retarded square drama, stupid sub plots and other stuff that destroyed both the show and ruined my enjoyment. With that being said, there were a few diamonds in this gigantic pile of shit: – the music (obviously) – the animation during the performance scenes (simply beautiful) – Nao Kashiwagi (even shitty shows tend to have their redeeming graces. Tokyo Ghoul had Hinami and Shigatsu had Nao, the only character that actually had a reasonable amount of brain cells. Thank you Nao! Oh, and she's also a fujsohi, which is always good in my eyes) – At least it wasn't as bad as Tokyo Ghoul (though that doesn't really say much) Final score: 1/10 And yes, I am aware of the fact that a lot of people are going to disagree with me. Nevertheless, I rest my case
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Episode 22 Discussion (850 - ) - Forums

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